What do you want to do? That’s the first question you need to ask yourself before starting to plan and organize your course or workshop.What do you want to do? That’s the first question you need to ask yourself before starting to plan and organize your course or workshop.
At SpacePal, we know that organization is key to making your course or workshop a success. We also know how eager you are to start organizing everything and sharing it on Instagram. Those sleepless nights, tossing and turning, thinking about all the things you could do for your workshop. We've all been there (us too), but don’t let the excitement get ahead of you. Before you start promoting it everywhere, make sure you have the basics planned out. Yes, just the basics we’re not asking for much more, haha.Here’s a mini step-by-step guide to make sure you’ve got the basics covered and your workshop turns out just like you envisioned while lying on your pillow. Or at least something similar 😎.
1. Define the Objectives and Audience Before getting started, it’s crucial to define the goals of your course or workshop. Who is it aimed at, and what exactly do you want to achieve? At SpacePal, we love to aim high, and we want your event to not only be a hit but to be the talk of the town for a long time. We want it to be the conversation topic at Sunday barbecues.2. Curriculum Design You need to define the key takeaways for the people attending and organize the content clearly and effectively to keep participants engaged. We definitely don’t want them scrolling through TikTok while you’re delivering the course, right?
3. Select the Content and Materials
Choosing the right content and materials can be a game-changer for making your course exciting or a total bore. Take the necessary time to review and select the best options for your participants. Get inspired by other courses you’ve enjoyed and adapt what you’ve learned to fit your style and goals.
4. Plan the Schedule
Time is an invaluable resource when organizing courses and workshops. Create a schedule that maximizes each session, ensuring it's not too heavy or too scattered. As your grandpa might say: "Time is the most valuable resource we have because it’s the only one we can’t get back."
5. Find the Ideal Space
The place where you hold your workshop or course is key. This is where we get excited, and SpacePal steps in to play a starring role.
SpacePal is like your grandma's recipe book, but for spaces. That little book with countless recipes only she knows. In our case, we’re like that book, but with thousands of spaces you can only find on SpacePal.
We’re your platform to find all kinds of spaces to rent by the hour. It’s kind of like Airbnb, but for all types of spaces. You can find anything from wine cellars and private offices to mansions and art galleries.
Now, take a minute and browse the spaces in your city. First impressions matter—a lot. Imagine your workshop in a Parisian-style dome or in a gallery surrounded by art instead of a hotel conference room. Sounds cooler, right?
6. Evaluation and Feedback Methods
Evaluating participants' progress and offering constructive feedback is essential for continuous learning and improvement. Design evaluation methods that motivate your students and allow them to see their progress in a tangible way.
7. Implementation and Execution
The day has finally arrived! It’s time to roll up your sleeves and put everything you’ve planned into action. Trust your preparation and the prior planning— the hardest part is behind you.
8. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
Once the event is over, assess the results and use this information to improve future editions. Treat each class as a new version to refine and improve, step by step.